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Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Mixed research method

Global Research agenda


A participatory process, involving the academic community and experts from international organizations, policy actors, NGOs, country representatives and donors was used to develop a Global Research Agenda to fill in gaps and better guide policy choices.

Agenda developed through a participatory approach involving: i) Mapping of existing research; ii) Convening of an International Advisory Board (IAB). This group, composed of the academic
community and experts from international organizations, policy actors, NGOs, country representatives and donors, met to discuss and build the structure of an Evidence Gap Map (EGM) on child labour and one on forced labour (Human trafficking is coming); iii) Identification of knowledge gaps (through the analysis of EGM); iv) Developing expert consensus on research priorities, with a focus on those critical for achieving SDG target 8.7. Dialogue was then extended to selected policy actors and funding partners for additional consultations through key informant interviews to identify their needs and priorities. V) Establishing the Global Research Agenda

  • The research agenda will
  • Directly respond to evidence gaps
  • Promote and guide policy development and policy reform
  • Promote the development of new research methods and tools.

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Research Agenda
This tool organizes a collaborative effort to identify and address knowledge gaps in child and forced labour research, guiding policy development and enhancing research methods to achieve SDG target 8.7.
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Organize a collaborative effort involving academics, experts, NGOs, and policymakers to identify and address knowledge gaps in child and forced labour research. It aims to refine research directions, guide policy development, and foster new methodologies, ultimately supporting the achievement of SDG target 8.7 and enhancing policy efficacy.