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Mixed research method

Decent Work Supply Chain Survey (DW-SCS) – Pilot on the electronics supply chain in Viet Nam


The DW-SCS pilot aimed to map the electronics supply chain and measure decent work along the chain in Viet Nam. The survey was designed to identify decent work deficits and opportunities across different tiers of supply chains, creating more granular data on gender, age groups, geography, and formal and informal sectors. This information would then inform policy and facilitate targeted policy responses. The method relied on an innovative sampling design beginning with economic units unequivocally part of the supply chain, then reaching other units through links within the supply chain.

Tool components

Survey design
This tool maps and assesses working conditions in supply chains, identifying decent work deficits and opportunities to inform policies and improve labour practices
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Map and assess working conditions across supply chains, with a focus on identifying decent work deficits and opportunities. The survey provides detailed data on demographics such as gender, age, and geography, and covers both formal and informal sectors. This information helps inform policies and interventions aimed at improving working conditions and ensuring fair labour practices throughout supply chains, benefiting statistical offices, social partners, policymakers, enterprises, and workers.